USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Lincoln County High School

Fayetteville, 1233 Huntsville Hwy, Fayetteville, TN 37334, USA

Informații generale



din 8 școli, Fayetteville

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Contacte, Lincoln County High School



(931) 433-6505

Telefoane de contact


10 - 12

Setările instituției, Lincoln County High School

De stat
High school

Rating, Lincoln County High School

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Informația generală, Lincoln County High School

Lincoln County High School Fayetteville provides education to students in grades 9-12. The school offers a diverse range of classes, including English, mathematics, science, social sciences, foreign languages, and fine arts. They aim to foster academic excellence and personal growth through their comprehensive curriculum.

The school boasts excellent facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, science labs, computer labs, and a gymnasium for sports activities. The dedicated faculty ensures a supportive learning environment for students and encourages them to actively participate in extracurricular activities, such as clubs, sports teams, and community service programs.

Pros of Lincoln County High School Fayetteville include a strong academic program, experienced teachers, and a variety of extracurricular activities that promote holistic development. The school also prioritizes student safety and offers a nurturing environment for learning.

However, a potential con is the lack of certain specialized classes and resources that may be available at larger schools. Despite this, Lincoln County High School Fayetteville strives to provide a well-rounded education to its students and prepare them for success in their future endeavors.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare