USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Huntingdon High School

Huntingdon, 475 Fairgrounds Rd, Huntingdon, TN 38344, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Huntingdon High School



(731) 986-8223

Telefoane de contact


9 - 12

Setările instituției, Huntingdon High School

De stat
High school

Rating, Huntingdon High School

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Informația generală, Huntingdon High School

Huntingdon High School is a comprehensive public high school located in Huntingdon, Tennessee. The school offers a wide range of classes across various disciplines to students from grades 9 to 12. The curriculum includes subjects like English, math, science, social studies, and foreign languages, preparing students for college and future careers.

The school's facilities are well-maintained and equipped with modern amenities. The classrooms are spacious and provide a conducive learning environment. There are also specialized rooms for science labs, computer labs, and an auditorium for performances and school events.

Apart from academics, Huntingdon High School also offers extracurricular activities and sports programs to enhance the overall development of students. There are opportunities to participate in clubs, organizations, and teams, promoting teamwork, leadership, and personal growth.

Pros of attending Huntingdon High School include a dedicated faculty, challenging academic programs, and a supportive community. The school provides a safe and inclusive environment for students to thrive and achieve their full potential.

However, a potential con may be the limited diversity of elective courses and extracurricular options compared to larger schools. Despite this, Huntingdon High School is committed to providing a comprehensive education that prepares students for success in the future.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare