USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Clairfield Elementary

Clairfield, 6360 TN-90, Clairfield, TN 37715, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Clairfield Elementary



(423) 784-6052

Telefoane de contact


KG - 8

Setările instituției, Clairfield Elementary

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Informația generală, Clairfield Elementary

Clairfield Elementary is a reputable educational institution located in Clairfield, TN. It offers classes from grades K-5, catering to the educational needs of young children. The school specializes in various disciplines, ensuring a well-rounded education for its students. The facilities at Clairfield Elementary are top-notch, providing a conducive learning environment. The classrooms are equipped with modern amenities, promoting interactive learning. The school also has a well-stocked library and computer lab to encourage research and technological skills. The dedicated and experienced teachers at Clairfield Elementary are committed to providing quality education and ensuring the academic success of their students. They utilize innovative teaching techniques to engage students and make learning enjoyable. The curriculum at Clairfield Elementary is designed to be diverse and comprehensive, covering various subjects. This allows students to explore their interests and develop a strong foundation in different areas of knowledge. Special attention is given to core subjects such as math, science, and English language arts. Clairfield Elementary also offers limited extracurricular activities to enhance the overall development of students. These activities include sports, arts, music, and clubs, providing opportunities for students to explore their talents and interests outside the classroom. In conclusion, Clairfield Elementary is an excellent choice for parents seeking quality education for their children. With dedicated teachers, well-maintained facilities, and a diverse curriculum, it ensures a nurturing and stimulating learning environment. The only drawback is the limited range of extracurricular activities.
USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare