USA, Grandview Heights أبحث عن

Southern Lehigh Intermediate Sch

Bethlehem, 5438 PA-378, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Southern Lehigh Intermediate Sch


الرمز البريدي

(610) 861-4040



4 - 6

المميزات, Southern Lehigh Intermediate Sch

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التقييم, Southern Lehigh Intermediate Sch

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صور المستخدمين, Southern Lehigh Intermediate Sch

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معلومات عامة, Southern Lehigh Intermediate Sch

Southern Lehigh Intermediate School is located in Bethlehem, PA and serves students in grades 4-6. The school offers a variety of classes and disciplines to enhance students' learning experiences. These include math, science, English language arts, social studies, art, music, and physical education. The faculty at Southern Lehigh Intermediate School is dedicated to providing a well-rounded education and nurturing a positive learning environment.

The school facilities at Southern Lehigh Intermediate School are modern and well-maintained. The classrooms are equipped with the necessary resources and technology to support effective teaching and learning. There are also dedicated spaces for art, music, and physical education classes.

Pros of attending Southern Lehigh Intermediate School include the diverse range of classes and disciplines offered, which allow students to explore different areas of interest. The faculty and staff are highly qualified and provide a supportive learning environment. The school facilities are top-notch and conducive to learning.

Cons of attending Southern Lehigh Intermediate School may include the transition from elementary school to a larger school setting, as well as the potential for increased academic expectations and workload.

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