USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Shady Cove School

Shady Cove, 37 Schoolhouse Ln, Shady Cove, OR 97539, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Shady Cove School



(541) 878-1400

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KG - 8

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Informația generală, Shady Cove School

Shady Cove School is located in the peaceful town of Shady Cove in Oregon, USA. The school caters to students from kindergarten to 8th grade, offering them a well-rounded education and a nurturing environment.

At Shady Cove School, students engage in various subjects, including core disciplines such as mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies. In addition to these fundamental subjects, students also have the opportunity to explore music, physical education, and art, enhancing their creativity and physical well-being.

Shady Cove School takes pride in its modern facilities that foster an optimal learning environment. The classrooms are equipped with advanced technology, enabling interactive and engaging lessons. The school also provides a library where students can access a wide range of books, fostering a love for reading and research.

The dedicated faculty at Shady Cove School ensures that each student receives individual attention and support. The teachers strive to create an inclusive and supportive atmosphere, allowing students to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.

Pros of Shady Cove School include its welcoming and inclusive environment, where students from diverse backgrounds feel accepted and supported. The committed teachers go the extra mile to help students succeed, providing guidance and encouragement.

Despite its strengths, Shady Cove School does have some limitations. The range of extracurricular activities available may be limited, potentially limiting the scope for students to explore different interests outside the classroom.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare