USA, Bridgeport أبحث عن

Dayville School

Dayville, 285 School House Dr, Dayville, OR 97825, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Dayville School


الرمز البريدي

(541) 987-2412



PK - 12

المميزات, Dayville School

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روضة اطفال
الدراسة الأبتدائية
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المدرسة الثانوية

التقييم, Dayville School

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صور المستخدمين, Dayville School

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معلومات عامة, Dayville School

Dayville School is a public school located in Dayville, Oregon. It offers classes from kindergarten to 12th grade, providing a comprehensive education for all age groups. The school focuses on offering a well-rounded curriculum that includes core subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies, as well as specialized classes in art, music, physical education, and technology.

The school's dedicated teachers and staff strive to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment for students, fostering their academic growth as well as their personal development. With small class sizes, students receive individualized attention and have the opportunity to build strong relationships with their peers and teachers.

Dayville School boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, a gymnasium, a playground, and sports fields. These facilities provide students with a variety of learning spaces and recreational opportunities.

Pros of Dayville School include:

  • Comprehensive curriculum covering core subjects and specialized classes
  • A supportive and inclusive learning environment
  • Individualized attention and strong teacher-student relationships
  • Modern facilities that enhance learning and recreation

Cons of Dayville School include:

  • Remote location, limited access to additional off-campus resources
  • Small student population may limit extracurricular activities
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