USA, Grandview Heights أبحث عن

Jane Addams Business Careers High School

Cleveland, 2373 E 30th St, Cleveland, OH 44115, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Jane Addams Business Careers High School


الرمز البريدي

(216) 623-8900



8 - 12

المميزات, Jane Addams Business Careers High School

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التقييم, Jane Addams Business Careers High School

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صور المستخدمين, Jane Addams Business Careers High School

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معلومات عامة, Jane Addams Business Careers High School

  • Classes: Jane Addams Business Careers High School in Cleveland offers a wide range of classes to prepare students for business careers. Examples of classes offered include accounting, economics, marketing, entrepreneurship, computer applications, and business management.
  • Grades: The school provides education for students in grades 9 through 12.
  • Disciplines: Jane Addams Business Careers High School focuses on disciplines related to business and entrepreneurship. Students have the opportunity to explore various aspects of the business world and develop skills that will help them succeed in their future careers.
  • Facilities: The school has modern facilities, including fully equipped computer labs, classrooms with interactive technology, a library, and a dedicated area for hands-on entrepreneurial activities.


  • Specialized education: The school offers a unique educational experience focused on business and entrepreneurship, allowing students to gain practical skills in a field they are passionate about.
  • Preparation for the future: Students have the chance to learn in-demand skills and gain real-world experience that will benefit them in college and their future careers.
  • Engaging learning environment: The use of modern technology and hands-on activities creates an interactive and stimulating learning environment.


  • Limited career options: As a specialized business school, it may not be the best fit for students interested in pursuing careers in other fields.
  • Higher workload: The focus on business-related subjects may result in a heavier workload compared to regular high schools.
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