USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Democracy Prep Endurance Charter School

New York, 250 W 127th St, New York, NY 10027, USA

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din 382 școli, New York

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Contacte, Democracy Prep Endurance Charter School



(212) 316-7602

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6 - 8

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Rating, Democracy Prep Endurance Charter School

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Informația generală, Democracy Prep Endurance Charter School

Democracy Prep Endurance Charter School is located in New York, NY. The school offers classes from grades K-12, providing a comprehensive education for students of all ages. The curriculum focuses on a variety of disciplines, including math, science, language arts, social studies, and more. The school aims to develop well-rounded individuals who can think critically and excel academically. The facilities at Democracy Prep Endurance Charter School are modern and equipped with the latest technology to enhance the learning experience.

Pros of attending Democracy Prep Endurance Charter School include the rigorous academic program, dedicated and experienced teachers, and a strong focus on character development. The school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities and opportunities for students to engage with their community. However, some cons may include high expectations and workload, limited resources in certain areas, and the need for students to be self-motivated. Overall, Democracy Prep Endurance Charter School provides a strong educational foundation and prepares students for success in the future.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare