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Copenhagen Central School

Copenhagen, 3020 Mechanic St, Copenhagen, NY 13626, USA

General information



of 1 schools, Copenhagen

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Contacts, Copenhagen Central School


Postal code


PK - 12

Features, Copenhagen Central School

Elementary school
Middle school
High school

Rating, Copenhagen Central School

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General information, Copenhagen Central School

Copenhagen Central School is a well-established educational institution located in Copenhagen, NY. The school offers a comprehensive range of classes for students from various grades. From kindergarten to high school, students can find classes that suit their interests and needs.

The school follows a diverse curriculum that emphasizes both academic and extracurricular activities. Students have a wide range of disciplines to choose from, including math, science, English, social studies, physical education, music, art, and more. The dedicated and experienced faculty members ensure that students receive quality education in each of these disciplines.

Facilities at Copenhagen Central School are well-maintained and equipped to support the learning process. The school has fully equipped classrooms, computer labs, science labs, a library, sports facilities, and playgrounds. These facilities provide students with a conducive environment for learning and personal development.

Pros of Copenhagen Central School include a strong emphasis on individualized attention for students, fostering a supportive and inclusive community, and providing opportunities for students to explore and excel in various disciplines. The school also encourages parent involvement and maintains effective communication with parents to ensure students' overall growth and success.

Cons of Copenhagen Central School may include limited extracurricular options compared to larger schools, as well as limited resources for specialized programs. However, the school strives to make the most of available resources and ensures a well-rounded educational experience for all students.

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