USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Willets Road School

Roslyn Heights, 455 I U Willets Rd, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577, USA

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din 5 școli, Roslyn Heights

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Contacte, Willets Road School



(516) 333-8797

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5 - 7

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Informația generală, Willets Road School

Description: Willets Road School Roslyn Heights is a prestigious educational institution located in Roslyn Heights, NY. The school offers a wide variety of classes, spanning various disciplines and subjects. It provides education to students in grades from kindergarten to 5th grade. The curriculum is designed to foster holistic development and academic excellence. The school boasts highly qualified and dedicated teachers who ensure a supportive and nurturing learning environment for the students. The classrooms are well-equipped with modern technology and resources to enhance the learning experience. The school also has a library with a vast collection of books, enabling students to expand their knowledge. In addition to traditional academic subjects, Willets Road School Roslyn Heights also places emphasis on extracurricular activities. Students have the opportunity to engage in sports, arts, music, and clubs, which allows them to explore their interests and talents. Pros: 1. Well-qualified and dedicated teachers. 2. Supportive and nurturing learning environment. 3. Modern technology and resources in classrooms. 4. Extensive library collection. 5. Opportunities for extracurricular activities. Cons: 1. Limited grades (kindergarten to 5th grade). 2. Limited facilities for advanced classes. Overall, Willets Road School Roslyn Heights serves as a leading educational institution that prioritizes holistic development and academic excellence. It offers a wide range of subjects, supportive teachers, and opportunities for extracurricular activities.
USA, Bridgeport Autorizare