USA, Somerville أبحث عن

Urban Assembly School For Emergency Management (the)

New York, 411 Pearl St, New York, NY 10038, USA

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جهات الاتصال, Urban Assembly School For Emergency Management (the)


الرمز البريدي

(212) 225-0998



9 - 10

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التقييم, Urban Assembly School For Emergency Management (the)

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صور المستخدمين, Urban Assembly School For Emergency Management (the)

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معلومات عامة, Urban Assembly School For Emergency Management (the)

The Urban Assembly School For Emergency Management is a specialized high school located in New York, NY, USA. The school offers a unique curriculum focused on emergency management, preparedness, and response. Students at the school study various disciplines related to emergency management, including public safety, crisis management, risk assessment, and disaster response. The school provides classes for grades 9-12, allowing students to learn and develop skills in emergency management from their early years of high school. The school is equipped with modern facilities that support hands-on learning experiences, such as simulation rooms, emergency response equipment, and training resources. This allows students to gain practical and real-world experience in emergency management. Some of the pros of attending the school are the specialized curriculum that prepares students for careers in emergency management and the opportunities to connect and network with professionals in the field. However, the school's focus on emergency management may limit the scope of other areas of study and may not cater to students with different career interests. Overall, the Urban Assembly School For Emergency Management provides a unique educational experience for students interested in emergency management and related fields.

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