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Urban Assembly New York Harbor School

New York, Battery Maritime Building, 10 South St, New York, NY 10005, USA

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Features, Urban Assembly New York Harbor School

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General information, Urban Assembly New York Harbor School

Urban Assembly New York Harbor School is located in the Battery Maritime Building in New York City. The school offers a unique educational experience focused on maritime studies and environmental science. Students have the opportunity to learn through hands-on experiences, such as boat building, diving, and marine biology. The school serves grades 9-12 and offers a variety of classes in different disciplines, including math, English, social studies, and physical education. The facilities include specialized labs for science experiments, a boat shop, and a pool for diving training. The school's location provides easy access to the waterfront, allowing students to explore and learn outside the classroom. Pros of attending Urban Assembly New York Harbor School include the diverse curriculum, experiential learning opportunities, and the chance to gain practical skills in a unique field. However, a potential con is that the specialized focus may not appeal to students who are not interested in maritime studies or environmental science.

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