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Pearl River Middle School

Pearl River, 520 Gilbert Ave, Pearl River, NY 10965, USA

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General information, Pearl River Middle School

Pearl River Middle School is located in Pearl River, NY. It offers classes for students in grades 6 to 8. The school provides a well-rounded education with a focus on various disciplines such as English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education.

The classes at Pearl River Middle School are designed to challenge and engage students, encouraging them to think critically and problem-solve. The teachers are highly qualified and dedicated, providing support and guidance to help students reach their full potential.

The school also offers a wide range of extracurricular activities and clubs, allowing students to explore their interests and develop new skills. The facilities at Pearl River Middle School are well-maintained and include classrooms equipped with modern technology, a library, a gymnasium, a cafeteria, and outdoor sports fields.

Pros of attending Pearl River Middle School include a strong academic program, a supportive learning environment, and opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. The school also encourages parent involvement and has a strong sense of community.

On the downside, some students may find the workload challenging, and the competitive nature of certain academic programs can be stressful. Additionally, the school's facilities may be limited in some areas.

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