USA, Grandview Heights Потражи

Opportunity Charter School

New York, 240 W 113th St, New York, NY 10026, USA

Генерална информација


Контакти, Opportunity Charter School


Поштански број

(212) 866-6137



6 - 12

Могућности, Opportunity Charter School

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Рејтинг, Opportunity Charter School

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Фотографије корисника, Opportunity Charter School

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Генерална информација, Opportunity Charter School

Opportunity Charter School is an educational institution located in the heart of New York City. It offers a comprehensive range of classes and disciplines for students from various grade levels. The school is committed to providing a nurturing environment that fosters academic growth and personal development.

Students at Opportunity Charter School have the opportunity to engage in a diverse set of classes, including mathematics, sciences, humanities, and the arts. The curriculum is carefully designed to meet the needs of each student, encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

The school accommodates students from elementary to high school grades, ensuring a seamless transition as they progress through their education. Each grade level is supported by experienced and dedicated teachers, who strive to create an inclusive and supportive learning atmosphere.

The school's facilities are well-equipped to enhance the learning experience. With spacious classrooms, modern technology, and a library stocked with a wide range of resources, students have access to a conducive learning environment. Additionally, the school provides extracurricular activities and programs that further enrich students' educational journey.

Prospective students and their families appreciate the school's commitment to personalized education and individual attention. The supportive community fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to excel academically and socially.

However, while Opportunity Charter School offers many advantages, some challenges include the need for additional resources to support specialized programs and a higher demand for student enrollment due to its popularity.

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