USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Nyc Lab High School For Collaborative Studies

New York, 333 W 17th St, New York, NY 10011, USA

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din 382 școli, New York

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Contacte, Nyc Lab High School For Collaborative Studies



(212) 691-6119

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9 - 12

Setările instituției, Nyc Lab High School For Collaborative Studies

De stat
High school

Rating, Nyc Lab High School For Collaborative Studies

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Informația generală, Nyc Lab High School For Collaborative Studies

Nyc Lab High School For Collaborative Studies is located in New York, NY. The school offers a diverse range of classes and disciplines to its students. The curriculum focuses on collaborative learning and real-world applications, encouraging students to work together and think critically. The school caters to students in grades 9-12 and provides a supportive learning environment. The facilities include well-equipped classrooms, science labs, and a library. The school's location in the heart of the city provides students with numerous opportunities for cultural and educational experiences. Pros of attending Nyc Lab High School For Collaborative Studies include a strong emphasis on collaboration, a diverse student body, and a supportive community. However, some potential cons may include a competitive admissions process and a high level of academic rigor. Overall, Nyc Lab High School For Collaborative Studies offers a well-rounded education in a vibrant and engaging city environment.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare