USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Morrisonville Elementary School

Morrisonville, 47 Sand Rd, Morrisonville, NY 12962, USA

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din 1 școli, Morrisonville

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(518) 565-5980

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KG - 5

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Informația generală, Morrisonville Elementary School

Morrisonville Elementary School, located in Morrisonville, NY, offers a comprehensive education for students in grades K-5. The school provides a wide range of classes and disciplines to ensure that every student receives a well-rounded education.

The school offers core classes in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. In addition to the core subjects, students have the opportunity to explore various disciplines such as Art, Music, Physical Education, and Technology. These classes not only enhance students' academic skills but also foster creativity, physical fitness, and a love for learning.

Morrisonville Elementary School boasts modern facilities that provide a conducive learning environment. The classrooms are equipped with the latest technology to support interactive and engaging lessons. The school also has a library, a gymnasium, and a playground where students can participate in extracurricular activities and develop social skills.

One of the significant advantages of Morrisonville Elementary School is its dedicated and highly qualified teaching staff. The teachers are passionate about their work and deeply committed to the success of each student. They provide individualized attention, support, and guidance to ensure that every child reaches their full potential.

Another advantage of attending Morrisonville Elementary School is the strong sense of community. The school encourages parental involvement through regular communication, parent-teacher conferences, and involvement in school events. This collaboration between parents and teachers fosters a supportive and nurturing environment for students.

One downside of the school is its limited extracurricular offerings. While the school does provide some extracurricular activities, the range of options may not be as extensive as in larger schools. However, this is a minor drawback, and the school compensates for it by focusing on providing a high-quality academic curriculum.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare