USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Lloyd Harbor School

Lloyd Harbor, 7 School Ln, Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743, USA

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(631) 367-8800

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Informația generală, Lloyd Harbor School

Lloyd Harbor School is a reputable educational institution located in the serene town of Lloyd Harbor, New York. The school is dedicated to providing a high-quality education to students from kindergarten through eighth grade. With a focus on fostering academic excellence and personal growth, Lloyd Harbor School offers a diverse range of classes and disciplines.

The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses subjects like mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education. In addition to these core subjects, the school also offers various enrichment programs such as art, music, and technology, allowing students to explore their interests and talents.

At Lloyd Harbor School, each grade level is provided with experienced and dedicated teachers who create a supportive and engaging learning environment. The small class sizes enable teachers to provide individualized attention and cater to the unique needs of every student, ensuring their academic success.

The school boasts excellent facilities that enhance the learning experience. The classrooms are well-equipped with modern technology and resources, enabling students to engage in interactive and immersive learning activities. Additionally, Lloyd Harbor School offers well-maintained outdoor spaces where students can participate in sports and recreational activities.


  • High-quality education with experienced teachers
  • Diverse range of classes and disciplines
  • Small class sizes and individualized attention
  • Excellent facilities including modern technology and outdoor spaces
  • Enrichment programs in art, music, and technology


  • Limited grade levels (kindergarten through eighth grade)
  • Location may be far for some students
USA, Bridgeport Autorizare