USA, Grandview Heights Підбір закладів

High School Of Arts And Technology

New York, 122 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10023, USA

Загальна інформація


Контакти, High School Of Arts And Technology



(212) 501-1198



9 - 12

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Інформація про школу, High School Of Arts And Technology

The High School of Arts and Technology in New York is a renowned institution serving students from grade 9 to grade 12. Located at 122 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10023, the school offers a variety of classes in arts and technology disciplines. Students can explore subjects like music, dance, visual arts, graphic design, computer science, and more. The school's facilities include state-of-the-art art studios, a music and dance studio, a computer lab, and a multimedia production room. These facilities provide students with the necessary tools to explore their creative potential and develop technical skills. The High School of Arts and Technology offers a diverse learning environment with a mix of traditional classroom teaching and hands-on experiences. The school encourages students to think critically, collaborate with peers, and pursue their passions in a supportive and nurturing atmosphere. Pros: 1. Variety of classes in arts and technology disciplines 2. State-of-the-art facilities for creative and technological pursuits 3. Diverse learning environment that fosters creativity and critical thinking 4. Supportive and nurturing atmosphere Cons: 1. Located in a bustling city, which may pose challenges for some students Overall, the High School of Arts and Technology in New York provides a dynamic educational experience for students interested in pursuing their artistic and technological talents.
USA, Grandview Heights Авторизація