USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

High School Of Graphic Communication Arts

New York, 439 W 49th St

Informații generale

High School Of Graphic Communication Arts


din 382 școli, New York

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Contacte, High School Of Graphic Communication Arts



(212) 245-5925

Telefoane de contact


9 - 12

Setările instituției, High School Of Graphic Communication Arts

De stat
High school
Artă și Design

Rating, High School Of Graphic Communication Arts

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Informația generală, High School Of Graphic Communication Arts

High School Of Graphic Communication Arts is located in New York, at 439 W 49th St. The school offers various classes in graphic design, media arts, and communication. Students can choose from a variety of disciplines and explore their creativity through hands-on projects and assignments. The school teaches students from grades 9 to 12, offering a comprehensive curriculum that prepares them for future careers in the field of graphic communication. With state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated teachers, students have the opportunity to learn using the latest technology and tools. The school emphasizes both technical skills and artistic expression, allowing students to develop a solid foundation in design principles. Pros of attending this school include a vibrant and creative environment, exposure to industry-standard software, and opportunities for internships and networking. Some potential cons include a competitive admissions process and a heavy workload. Overall, High School Of Graphic Communication Arts provides a dynamic learning environment for students interested in pursuing careers in graphic design and communication.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare