USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Castelar Elementary School

Omaha, 2316 S 18th St, Omaha, NE 68108, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Castelar Elementary School



(402) 344-7794

Telefoane de contact


PK - 5

Setările instituției, Castelar Elementary School

De stat
Pre gradiniță
Școala medie

Rating, Castelar Elementary School

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Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Castelar Elementary School

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Informația generală, Castelar Elementary School

Castelar Elementary School is located in Omaha, Nebraska, and offers a comprehensive education to students in grades K-6. The school provides a wide range of classes and disciplines, including math, science, English language arts, social studies, and physical education. With highly qualified teachers, the school aims to create a positive learning environment that fosters academic growth and personal development.

Castelar Elementary School boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, a gymnasium, and a cafeteria. The school also prioritizes the use of technology in education, with computer labs and interactive learning tools available for students.

Pros of attending Castelar Elementary School include its diverse student body, which promotes cultural awareness and appreciation. The school also prides itself on its strong sense of community and encourages parental involvement in school activities. Additionally, Castelar Elementary School offers various extracurricular activities, such as clubs and sports, allowing students to explore their interests beyond academics.

While the school has many advantages, some potential drawbacks include the limited availability of certain specialized classes or resources due to budget constraints. Additionally, the location of the school may pose transportation challenges for some families.

This is why Castelar Elementary School is a top choice for quality education in Omaha, Nebraska, providing a well-rounded curriculum and a supportive community for students to thrive.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare