USA, Bridgeport Потражи

Callaway Elementary School

Callaway, 101 S Needham Ave, Callaway, NE 68825, USA

Генерална информација


Контакти, Callaway Elementary School


Поштански број

(308) 836-2272



PK - 6

Могућности, Callaway Elementary School

Довртићке установе
Основна школа
Средње школе

Рејтинг, Callaway Elementary School

Нема рејтинга


Need4Study рејтинг









Фотографије корисника, Callaway Elementary School

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Генерална информација, Callaway Elementary School

Callaway Elementary School is located in the town of Callaway, Nebraska. It provides quality education to students in grades K-6. The school offers a wide range of classes, including mathematics, science, English language arts, social studies, and physical education. Additionally, students have access to art, music, and technology classes to foster their creativity and develop their skills.

The school has a team of dedicated and qualified teachers who create a supportive and stimulating learning environment. They employ modern teaching strategies and resources to engage students and enhance their learning experience. The small class sizes allow for individualized attention and promote better student-teacher interactions.

Callaway Elementary School boasts impressive facilities to meet the academic and extracurricular needs of its students. It has well-equipped classrooms, a library stocked with an extensive collection of books, science and computer labs, a gymnasium, and a playground. These facilities provide a comprehensive learning environment and promote holistic development.

The school also encourages parental involvement and actively seeks to engage parents in their child's education. Regular parent-teacher conferences and open communication channels are established to ensure a collaborative partnership between the school and the parents.

In summary, Callaway Elementary School is an outstanding institution that provides quality education to students in Callaway, Nebraska. With its diverse curriculum, excellent facilities, and dedicated staff, the school strives to nurture students' intellectual, emotional, and physical growth.

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