USA, Bridgeport pretraživanje

Savage High School

Savage, 368 Mesa Ave, Savage, MT 59262, USA

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of 3 Škole, Savage

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(406) 776-2317



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Opšte informacije, Savage High School

Savage High School is a comprehensive public school located in Savage, MT. We offer a wide range of classes across various disciplines to students in grades 9-12. Our dedicated faculty and staff create a supportive learning environment for all students, fostering their academic and personal growth.

Our curriculum includes core subjects such as English, math, science, and social studies, as well as elective courses like art, music, foreign languages, and technology. We also provide advanced placement (AP) classes for students who want to challenge themselves and earn college credit.

At Savage High School, we believe in a well-rounded education, which is why we offer a diverse array of extracurricular activities and clubs. Students have the opportunity to participate in sports, theater, debate, student government, and more. These activities help students develop leadership skills, build friendships, and explore their interests outside of the classroom.

Our facilities include state-of-the-art classrooms equipped with modern technology, computer labs, a library, a gymnasium, an auditorium, and athletic fields. We strive to provide students with the resources they need to excel academically and engage in extracurricular pursuits.

Pros: 1) Wide range of classes and disciplines. 2) Dedicated faculty and staff. 3) Opportunities for advanced placement and college credit. 4) Diverse extracurricular activities. 5) State-of-the-art facilities.

Cons: 1) Limited options for specialized programs or career pathways.

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