USA, Grandview Heights Підбір закладів

Pryor 7-8

Pryor, 1 High School Lane, Pryor, MT 59066, USA

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Контакти, Pryor 7-8



(406) 259-7329



7 - 8

Параметри закладу, Pryor 7-8


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Інформація про школу, Pryor 7-8

Pryor 7-8 Pryor is a middle school located in Pryor, Montana. The school offers classes for grades 7 and 8, providing a comprehensive education for students in their early teenage years. The curriculum encompasses a wide range of subjects including mathematics, English, science, social studies, and physical education. Highly qualified teachers guide students through engaging lessons and interactive activities to promote a deep understanding of the material.

The school boasts excellent facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, and a computer lab. These resources support a conducive learning environment, allowing students to excel academically and explore their interests. The staff at Pryor 7-8 Pryor also emphasize the importance of extracurricular activities by offering clubs and organizations that span various disciplines, such as music, sports, and art. This provides students with opportunities to enhance their skills, build friendships, and develop a well-rounded personality.

In terms of pros, Pryor 7-8 Pryor offers a highly dedicated faculty that goes above and beyond to support the success of each student. Teachers are readily available for one-on-one assistance and ensure a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere. The school also values community involvement, often organizing events and programs that bring together students, parents, and educators. This fosters a strong sense of belonging and network of support, enhancing the overall educational experience.

As for cons, some students may find the size of the school limiting in terms of extracurricular options. However, the faculty constantly works towards expanding the variety of activities to cater to a diverse range of interests.

USA, Grandview Heights Авторизація