USA, Somerville Selectarea instituțiilor

Lambert High School

Fox Lake, 121 3rd Ave N, Lambert, MT 59243, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Lambert High School



(406) 774-3333

Telefoane de contact


9 - 12

Setările instituției, Lambert High School

De stat
High school

Rating, Lambert High School

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Informația generală, Lambert High School

Lambert High School is located in Fox Lake, Montana and offers a range of classes and disciplines for students in grades 9-12. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum that includes subjects like mathematics, science, English, history, and foreign languages. In addition to the core classes, students have the opportunity to take elective courses in areas such as art, music, technology, and physical education.

Lambert High School is committed to providing a supportive learning environment for its students. The faculty consists of experienced and dedicated teachers who are passionate about helping students succeed academically. The school also offers various resources and support services, including a library, computer lab, and tutoring programs.

The facilities at Lambert High School are well-maintained and provide a conducive learning atmosphere. The school boasts modern classrooms equipped with the latest technology, allowing for interactive and engaging lessons. Additionally, there are specialized facilities for subjects like science and computer labs, where students can conduct experiments and engage in hands-on learning.

One of the advantages of attending Lambert High School is the wide range of extracurricular activities available. Students can participate in sports teams, clubs, and organizations that cater to various interests, helping them develop their skills, interests, and leadership qualities.

While Lambert High School offers many benefits, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider. The small size of the school may limit the variety of courses and extracurricular options available compared to larger schools. Additionally, some students may find the rural location to be a disadvantage if they are looking for a more urban or diverse environment.

USA, Somerville Autorizare