USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Frenchtown Intermediate School

Frenchtown, 16495 Main St, Frenchtown, MT 59834, USA

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Contacte, Frenchtown Intermediate School



(406) 626-2622

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5 - 6

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Informația generală, Frenchtown Intermediate School

Français est le mot! Frenchtown Intermediate School is dedicated to providing a quality education with a focus on the French language and culture. Our school offers classes for students in grades 3-5, where they can learn French language skills through interactive and engaging lessons. In addition to French, students also have access to a comprehensive curriculum that includes math, science, social studies, English language arts, and physical education.

Our school promotes a supportive and inclusive environment where students can thrive academically and socially. We have highly qualified and dedicated teachers who are passionate about teaching and helping students reach their full potential. With small class sizes, students receive personalized attention and support to ensure their success.

Frenchtown Intermediate School boasts state-of-the-art facilities that enhance the learning experience. Our classrooms are equipped with modern technology, including interactive whiteboards and computers. We also have a well-stocked library, a gymnasium for sports and physical activities, and outdoor playgrounds for students to enjoy recess.

Pros of attending Frenchtown Intermediate School include exposure to the French language and culture, which can open doors for future opportunities. Learning a second language at a young age has been shown to enhance cognitive abilities and improve academic performance. The small class sizes and supportive teachers also contribute to a positive learning environment.

While Frenchtown Intermediate School offers a unique and enriching educational experience, it is important to consider individual learning preferences and goals. Some students may prefer a more traditional curriculum or have interests outside of language learning. Prospective students and their parents should carefully consider these factors before enrolling.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare