Általános információ
Elérhetőség, Emily Dickinson School
PK - 5Tulajdonságok, Emily Dickinson School
Felhasználók fényképei, Emily Dickinson School
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Általános információ, Emily Dickinson School
Emily Dickinson School Bozeman is a well-established educational institution located in Bozeman, MT. The school offers a comprehensive range of classes for students from various grades. The curriculum covers a wide range of disciplines, including English, mathematics, science, social studies, and fine arts.
The school is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, science laboratories, a library, a computer lab, and a playground. These facilities provide an engaging and conducive environment for learning and growth.
Students at Emily Dickinson School Bozeman benefit from highly qualified and dedicated teachers who strive to provide quality education, personalized attention, and support. The school also emphasizes character development, fostering a sense of community, and promoting values such as respect, integrity, and compassion in students.
Pros: - Comprehensive range of classes and disciplines - State-of-the-art facilities for enhanced learning experiences - Dedicated and knowledgeable teachers - Emphasis on character development and fostering a sense of community
Cons: - No mention of specific extracurricular activities or sports programs, if any exist.
Értékelések, Emily Dickinson School
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