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Contacte, Ada Elementary
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PK - 6Setările instituției, Ada Elementary
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Informația generală, Ada Elementary
Ada Elementary is a school located in Ada, MN. It provides education for students from various grades, offering classes in a wide range of disciplines. The school's facilities are well-equipped and provide a conducive learning environment. The dedicated staff and teachers strive to provide high-quality education to all students.
The school offers classes for students from kindergarten to fifth grade. The curriculum includes subjects such as English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. Students have access to a computer lab, library, playground, and cafeteria, among other facilities.
Pros of Ada Elementary include a caring and supportive environment, highly qualified staff, and a focus on individualized learning. The school also offers extracurricular activities, fostering creativity and personal development. Moreover, the school actively engages with parents and the local community to create a collaborative learning environment.
On the downside, some challenges faced by Ada Elementary include limited resources, particularly in terms of technology and funding. Additionally, the school may face space constraints due to its location, limiting the expansion of facilities.
Recenzii, Ada Elementary
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