USA, Somerville أبحث عن

Campton Elementary School

Campton, 166 Co Rd 2491, Campton, KY 41301, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Campton Elementary School


الرمز البريدي

(606) 668-8102



PK - 6

المميزات, Campton Elementary School

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الدراسة الأبتدائية
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التقييم, Campton Elementary School

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صور المستخدمين, Campton Elementary School

تم تحميل 0 الصورة

معلومات عامة, Campton Elementary School

Campton Elementary School is a primary school located in Campton, Kentucky. We offer a comprehensive education for students in grades K-5. Our dedicated teachers provide a nurturing environment to help students develop academically, emotionally, and socially.

Our curriculum encompasses a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education. We also offer art and music classes to foster creativity and self-expression. Our goal is to create well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for success.

Campton Elementary School boasts state-of-the-art facilities to enhance the learning experience. Our classrooms are equipped with modern technology, including interactive whiteboards and computers, to facilitate interactive and engaging lessons. We also have a library filled with a vast collection of books and resources to encourage a love of reading.

Our school community is tight-knit, and we emphasize collaboration and teamwork. Through various extracurricular activities and clubs, such as robotics club and student council, students have the opportunity to explore their interests and develop leadership skills.

Pros: Dedicated teachers, comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, emphasis on collaboration and teamwork.

Cons: No cons reported.

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