USA, Somerville Selectarea instituțiilor

Calvert City Elementary School

Calvert City, 563 5th Ave SE, Calvert City, KY 42029, USA

Informații generale



din 2 școli, Calvert City

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Contacte, Calvert City Elementary School



(270) 395-4664

Telefoane de contact


PK - 5

Setările instituției, Calvert City Elementary School

De stat
Pre gradiniță
Școala medie

Rating, Calvert City Elementary School

Această instituție nu a fost încă evaluată


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Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Calvert City Elementary School

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Informația generală, Calvert City Elementary School

Calvert City Elementary School is located in Calvert City, KY. The school offers classes from Kindergarten to 5th grade, providing a comprehensive education for young students. The teachers are dedicated and experienced, ensuring a nurturing and supportive learning environment for all students. The curriculum covers a range of subjects including English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. Along with the core subjects, students also have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities such as music, art, and computer classes.

The school facilities are well-maintained and provide a conducive learning atmosphere. The classrooms are equipped with modern technology to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, there are resources available to support student learning, including a library and a computer lab. The school also has playgrounds and sports facilities, encouraging physical activity and outdoor play.

Pros of Calvert City Elementary School include a strong academic program that focuses on the individual needs of each student. The small class sizes allow for personalized attention and support. The dedicated staff and teachers foster a positive and inclusive school community, ensuring that students feel valued and safe. The extracurricular activities provided by the school offer students opportunities for creativity and personal growth.

Cons of the school may include limited extracurricular options due to the focus on core subjects. Some students may find the small-town setting limiting in terms of diversity and exposure to different cultures.

USA, Somerville Autorizare