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Northview Elem

Manhattan, 300 Griffith Dr, Manhattan, KS 66502, USA

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of 10 Škole, Manhattan

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(785) 587-2070



PK - 6

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Opće informacije, Northview Elem

Northview Elementary School is located in Manhattan, Kansas and serves students from various grades. With a focus on academic excellence and character development, Northview offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to cater to each student's individual needs and interests.

The school provides classes from kindergarten to fifth grade, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages growth and learning. The curriculum is designed to meet the educational standards set by the state, covering subjects such as math, science, social studies, English language arts, and physical education. Additionally, students have access to special programs including art, music, and technology, enhancing their overall educational experience.

The facilities at Northview Elementary are well-maintained and equipped to support different learning styles. Each classroom is equipped with modern technology, including computers and interactive whiteboards, to enhance teaching and learning methodologies. The school also has a library that houses a wide selection of books and resources, providing students with ample opportunities for independent reading and research.

One of the major advantages of Northview Elementary is its dedicated and experienced faculty. The teachers at Northview are highly qualified and committed to ensuring the success of every student. They strive to create a positive and nurturing environment, fostering a love of learning and academic growth.

However, one potential drawback of Northview Elementary is the limited extracurricular activities offered. While the focus is primarily on academics, there are limited options for students to engage in sports or other recreational activities.

In summary, Northview Elementary School in Manhattan, Kansas offers a comprehensive education for students in grades K-5. With its diverse curriculum, dedicated faculty, and modern facilities, it provides a nurturing environment for students to thrive academically. The limited extracurricular activities may be a minor inconvenience for some, but overall, Northview Elementary is committed to providing a high-quality education.

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