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Golden Plains Middle

Rexford, 335 School St, Rexford, KS 67753, USA

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of 2 schools, Rexford

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Features, Golden Plains Middle

Middle school

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General information, Golden Plains Middle

Golden Plains Middle Rexford is a middle school located in Rexford, KS. The school offers classes for students in grades 6 to 8. The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, including math, science, English, history, and physical education. The school also provides specialized classes in art, music, and computer science.

The facilities at Golden Plains Middle Rexford are well-maintained and provide a conducive environment for learning. The school is equipped with spacious classrooms, a library, computer labs, and a gymnasium. Additionally, the school has outdoor sports fields and a playground for recreational activities.

Pros of attending Golden Plains Middle Rexford include a dedicated faculty who are committed to the students' education and well-being. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, clubs, and community service programs. Students have the opportunity to develop their talents and socialize with their peers.

As for cons, some students may find the workload challenging, requiring time management and organization skills. The rural location of the school might limit access to certain amenities and resources compared to schools in urban areas.

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