USA, Somerville Keresés

De Soto High School

De Soto, 35000 W 91st St, De Soto, KS 66018, USA

Általános információ



of 3 iskolák, De Soto

Térkép Hozzáadás a kedvencekhez

Elérhetőség, De Soto High School



(913) 667-6250



9 - 12

Tulajdonságok, De Soto High School


Értékelés, De Soto High School

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Felhasználók fényképei, De Soto High School

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Általános információ, De Soto High School

De Soto High School in Kansas provides an excellent education for students in various grades. With a diverse range of classes and disciplines, students have the opportunity to explore their interests and prepare for their future. The school offers state-of-the-art facilities including well-equipped classrooms, modern laboratories, sports fields, and a well-stocked library. Students at De Soto High School have access to a wide range of classes, ranging from core subjects like Math, English, and Science to specialized courses in areas such as Arts, Music, Technology, and Foreign Languages. The dedicated and experienced faculty ensures that students receive a high-quality education, helping them achieve their academic goals. In addition to academic classes, De Soto High School also offers a variety of extracurricular activities to enrich students' experiences. From sports teams and clubs to performing arts groups and community service opportunities, there are numerous ways for students to get involved and develop their skills outside of the classroom. The school's facilities contribute to a positive learning environment. The classrooms are spacious and equipped with modern technology to support effective teaching and learning. The laboratories provide hands-on experiences for students to engage in scientific experiments and research. The library offers a wide selection of books, resources, and computer systems to facilitate research and independent study. While De Soto High School has many pros, including a diverse curriculum and a variety of extracurricular activities, there are some potential cons. One aspect that may be seen as a drawback is the limited parking space available on campus. However, the school strives to address this issue by encouraging alternative transportation options and coordinating with the local community for additional parking options during events. In summary, De Soto High School in De Soto, Kansas, offers a comprehensive education for students in various grades. With a diverse curriculum, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities, the school provides a supportive learning environment. Students have access to a range of classes, extracurricular activities, and resources to enhance their educational experience and prepare them for the future.
USA, Somerville Bejelentkezés