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Buffalo Jones Elem

Garden City, 708 N Taylor Ave, Garden City, KS 67846, USA

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Features, Buffalo Jones Elem

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Buffalo Jones Elem

Buffalo Jones Elementary School is located in Garden City, Kansas. It offers classes for students from kindergarten to grade 6. The school provides a comprehensive education in various disciplines, including language arts, math, science, social studies, and physical education. The faculty consists of experienced and dedicated teachers who strive to create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for all students. The school is equipped with top-notch facilities, including a library, computer labs, playgrounds, and sports fields.

Pros of Buffalo Jones Elementary School include a diverse curriculum that caters to the individual needs of students, a strong focus on academic excellence, and a supportive and inclusive school community. The school also provides opportunities for extracurricular activities and encourages the development of well-rounded individuals.

However, one potential drawback is that due to the large student population, class sizes may be on the larger side. This can occasionally make it challenging for teachers to provide individualized attention to every student. Additionally, the school may have limited resources and facilities compared to larger institutions.

Buffalo Jones Elementary School in Garden City, KS provides a comprehensive education in various disciplines for students from kindergarten to grade 6. Discover the pros and cons of this school and the facilities it offers.

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