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Aliceville Middle Sch

Aliceville, 1000 Columbus Rd, Aliceville, AL 35442, USA

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of 3 Škole, Aliceville

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(205) 373-6900



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Ocjena, Aliceville Middle Sch

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Opće informacije, Aliceville Middle Sch

Aliceville Middle School is a reputable educational institution located in Aliceville, Alabama. Our school offers a comprehensive curriculum to students in grades 6 to 8. We have a diverse range of classes available, including English, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education. Our dedicated faculty focuses on providing quality education and fostering a positive learning environment for all students.

Our school is equipped with excellent facilities to support various disciplines. We have well-equipped classrooms with modern technology, such as interactive whiteboards, to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, our campus includes a library, computer lab, science lab, and sports facilities. These resources ensure that students have access to the tools they need to excel both academically and physically.

The size of our school allows for personalized attention and support for each student. Our faculty members are highly qualified and dedicated professionals who are committed to helping students reach their full potential. We encourage students to actively participate in extracurricular activities, such as clubs and sports teams, to develop their skills and interests beyond the classroom.

Pros: - Comprehensive curriculum with a focus on quality education - Modern facilities and technology to enhance learning - Dedicated and qualified faculty members - Emphasis on extracurricular activities for holistic development

Cons: - Limited choice of elective classes - Relatively smaller school size may limit resources for specialized subjects

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