USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Harold C Urey Middle School

Walkerton, 407 Washington St, Walkerton, IN 46574, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Harold C Urey Middle School



(574) 586-3184

Telefoane de contact


7 - 8

Setările instituției, Harold C Urey Middle School

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Rating, Harold C Urey Middle School

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Informația generală, Harold C Urey Middle School

Harold C Urey Middle School in Walkerton, Indiana is a comprehensive middle school serving students in grades 6-8. The school offers a wide range of classes in diverse disciplines including math, science, language arts, social studies, and fine arts. With dedicated teachers and a supportive environment, students receive a quality education that prepares them for high school and beyond.

The school prides itself on its excellent facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, science labs, a library, and a gymnasium. The library provides a vast collection of resources to support students' academic growth, while the gymnasium offers opportunities for physical activities and sports.

Pros of attending Harold C Urey Middle School include a challenging curriculum that fosters critical thinking skills, extracurricular activities that encourage students' interests and talents, and a caring administrative team that ensures a safe and inclusive environment. Students at Harold C Urey Middle School benefit from a diverse student body, allowing them to gain a broader perspective and develop cultural sensitivity.

While the school has many positives, some cons may include limited resources for certain extracurricular activities and the need for ongoing investment in technology to fully support 21st-century learning.

Overall, Harold C Urey Middle School is a remarkable institution that prioritizes academic excellence, personal growth, and character development in their students.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare