USA, Somerville Selectarea instituțiilor

Tri Central Middle-high School

Sharpsville, 2115 W 500 N, Sharpsville, IN 46068, USA

Informații generale



din 2 școli, Sharpsville

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Contacte, Tri Central Middle-high School



(765) 963-2560

Telefoane de contact


6 - 12

Setările instituției, Tri Central Middle-high School

De stat
Școala medie
High school

Rating, Tri Central Middle-high School

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Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Tri Central Middle-high School

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Informația generală, Tri Central Middle-high School

Tri Central Middle-high School in Sharpsville, IN offers a comprehensive education for students in grades 6-12. The school provides a wide variety of classes in various disciplines, including English, math, science, social studies, and more. With dedicated and experienced teachers, Tri Central aims to help students develop their academic skills, critical thinking abilities, and personal growth. The school also offers extracurricular activities, such as sports teams, clubs, and arts programs, to enhance students' overall development. The facilities at Tri Central Middle-high School are modern and well-equipped, providing students with a conducive learning environment. However, the school's remote location may pose a challenge for students who need to commute. Overall, Tri Central Middle-high School is committed to nurturing well-rounded and successful individuals who are prepared for future endeavors.

SEO meta description: Tri Central Middle-high School in Sharpsville, IN offers a comprehensive education for grades 6-12 in various disciplines. Modern facilities, dedicated teachers, and diverse extracurricular activities foster students' academic and personal growth.

USA, Somerville Autorizare