USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Southwestern Middle School

Piasa, Piasa, IL 62079, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Southwestern Middle School



(618) 729-3217

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7 - 8

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Informația generală, Southwestern Middle School

Southwestern Middle School in Piasa, IL provides comprehensive education for students in grades 6-8. The school offers a wide range of classes in various disciplines including English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. Students have access to well-equipped classrooms and modern facilities. The curriculum at Southwestern Middle School is carefully designed to meet the academic needs of middle school students and prepare them for high school. The dedicated staff works closely with students to ensure they receive a quality education. In addition to core academic subjects, the school also offers elective classes such as foreign languages, music, art, and technology. This allows students to explore their interests and develop well-rounded skills. Southwestern Middle School has a strong emphasis on promoting a positive and inclusive learning environment. The school encourages collaboration and teamwork among students and provides opportunities for extracurricular activities and clubs. While Southwestern Middle School provides a solid education, one potential drawback may be the limited extracurricular options compared to larger schools. However, the school compensates for this with a strong focus on academics and individualized attention. Overall, Southwestern Middle School in Piasa, IL is a reputable institution that provides students with a comprehensive education and a supportive learning environment.
USA, Bridgeport Autorizare