Általános információ
Elérhetőség, Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School
6 - 8Tulajdonságok, Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School
Felhasználók fényképei, Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School
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Általános információ, Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School
Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School is located in Makawao, HI, and serves grades 6 to 8. The school offers a variety of classes including English, math, science, social studies, physical education, and elective courses. The curriculum focuses on providing a well-rounded education and preparing students for high school. The facilities at the school include classrooms, a library, a gymnasium, and outdoor sports fields. The school has a dedicated and experienced faculty who are committed to the success and growth of their students. Some pros of attending Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School are the strong academic program, supportive faculty, and the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. However, one potential con is that the school does not offer any advanced placement or honors courses. Overall, Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School provides a positive learning environment for middle school students.
Értékelések, Samuel Enoka Kalama Intermediate School
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