USA, Bridgeport أبحث عن

Manana Elementary School

Pearl City, 1147 Kumano St, Pearl City, HI 96782, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Manana Elementary School


الرمز البريدي

(808) 453-6430



PK - 6

المميزات, Manana Elementary School

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روضة اطفال
الدراسة الأبتدائية
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التقييم, Manana Elementary School

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صور المستخدمين, Manana Elementary School

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معلومات عامة, Manana Elementary School

Manana Elementary School is a K-6 educational institution located in Pearl City, Hawaii. The school is focused on providing academic excellence to its diverse student body. Classes at Manana Elementary School range from Kindergarten to 6th grade, covering a wide range of disciplines from mathematics to science and art. The school has a strong emphasis on STEM education and achieving high academic standards. Manana Elementary School is equipped with modern facilities including computer labs, a well-stocked library, and a spacious playground for recreational activities. The dedicated staff members work tirelessly to create a supportive and enriching learning environment for students. The school also encourages parent involvement and has a strong sense of community. One of the pros of attending Manana Elementary School is the diverse student population that allows for the development of cultural awareness and understanding. Additionally, the school offers a positive and safe learning environment, ensuring that students feel comfortable and motivated to succeed. Manana Elementary School also provides various academic support services to help students excel in their studies. However, there are some potential cons to consider. Due to the large number of students, class sizes at Manana Elementary School can be relatively large, which may limit individual attention. Additionally, the school may have limited extracurricular activities, reducing options for students who want to explore different interests and hobbies. In summary, Manana Elementary School in Pearl City, HI is a comprehensive K-6 educational institution that values academic excellence and STEM education. With its modern facilities and dedicated staff, the school aims to provide a supportive learning environment. While there may be some limitations in terms of class size and extracurricular activities, the school's commitment to academic achievement and its diverse student population make it a great choice for families in the area.
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