USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Lee High School 9th Grade Campus

Leesburg, 370 Leslie Hwy, Leesburg, GA 31763, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Lee High School 9th Grade Campus



(229) 903-3590

Telefoane de contact


8 - 10

Setările instituției, Lee High School 9th Grade Campus

De stat
Școala medie
High school

Rating, Lee High School 9th Grade Campus

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Informația generală, Lee High School 9th Grade Campus

Lee High School 9th Grade Campus in Leesburg, GA is a modern educational facility offering a diverse range of classes for students in the 9th grade. The campus provides a supportive and engaging environment where students can thrive academically and personally.

Classes at Lee High School 9th Grade Campus encompass various disciplines, including math, science, English, social studies, and physical education. The experienced and dedicated teachers utilize innovative teaching methods to ensure students receive a well-rounded education.

With a focus on academic excellence, the campus fosters a challenging curriculum that prepares students for the next level of their education. The supportive staff and small class sizes enable personalized attention, promoting student success and understanding.

In addition to academics, Lee High School 9th Grade Campus offers various extracurricular activities and clubs, allowing students to explore their interests and develop new skills. The modern facilities include well-equipped classrooms, science labs, a library, and athletic fields.

Pros of attending Lee High School 9th Grade Campus include a nurturing environment, dedicated teachers, a broad range of classes, and diverse extracurricular opportunities. The small campus size fosters a sense of community and a personalized learning experience.

While Lee High School 9th Grade Campus provides numerous benefits for students, some potential cons may include limited elective options due to the focus on core subjects and being a smaller campus compared to higher grade levels.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare