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Hapeville Charter Middle School

Hapeville, 3510 Atlanta Ave, Hapeville, GA 30354, USA

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of 2 Škole, Hapeville

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(404) 767-7730



6 - 8

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Opće informacije, Hapeville Charter Middle School

Hapeville Charter Middle School is located in Hapeville, Georgia. The school offers a comprehensive curriculum for students in grades 6-8. Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers, with an emphasis on core subjects such as English, math, science, and social studies. In addition to the core curriculum, students have the opportunity to take electives in areas such as art, music, physical education, and technology. The school also offers advanced classes for high-achieving students.

Hapeville Charter Middle School has state-of-the-art facilities to support student learning. The school has well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and science labs. The campus also features sports facilities, including a gymnasium and outdoor fields, where students can participate in physical education classes and extracurricular activities like basketball, soccer, and track.

One of the biggest advantages of Hapeville Charter Middle School is its commitment to personalized learning. The small class sizes allow teachers to provide individual attention to each student, fostering a supportive learning environment. The school also encourages parental involvement and provides various opportunities for parents to be engaged in their child's education, such as parent-teacher conferences, volunteer programs, and workshops.

However, one potential downside of the school is its location. Being in a busy urban area, the school may face challenges related to traffic congestion and limited parking options. Nonetheless, Hapeville Charter Middle School strives to provide a high-quality education for its students.

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