USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Griffin Middle School

Smyrna, 4010 King Springs Rd SE, Smyrna, GA 30082, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Griffin Middle School



(678) 842-6917

Telefoane de contact


6 - 8

Setările instituției, Griffin Middle School

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Informația generală, Griffin Middle School

Griffin Middle School Smyrna provides an excellent learning environment for students in grades 6-8. The school offers a wide range of classes focusing on various disciplines such as math, science, English, and social studies. With a dedicated and experienced faculty, students receive quality education in each subject. The school is equipped with modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, and computer labs. Pros: 1. Strong academic programs: Griffin Middle School Smyrna places a strong emphasis on academics, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education in all subjects. 2. Engaging teachers: The school has a team of dedicated and experienced teachers who are passionate about their subjects and work tirelessly to help students succeed. Cons: 1. Limited extracurricular activities: While the school focuses on academics, there is a limited range of extracurricular activities available for students to explore their interests outside of the classroom. In conclusion, Griffin Middle School Smyrna provides a nurturing and academically enriching environment for students in grades 6-8, with a focus on core disciplines and a range of modern facilities. The school is dedicated to preparing students for future success.
USA, Bridgeport Autorizare