USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Cedar Shoals High School

Athens, 1300 Cedar Shoals Dr, Athens, GA 30605, USA

Informații generale


Contacte, Cedar Shoals High School



(706) 546-5375

Telefoane de contact


9 - 12

Setările instituției, Cedar Shoals High School

De stat
High school

Rating, Cedar Shoals High School

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Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Cedar Shoals High School

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Informația generală, Cedar Shoals High School

Cedar Shoals High School is located in Athens, Georgia and offers a diverse range of classes for students in grades 9-12. The school's curriculum includes core subjects such as English, mathematics, science, and social studies, as well as a variety of electives including art, music, foreign languages, and technology. Students have the opportunity to explore their interests and talents in different disciplines.

The school provides well-equipped facilities to support students' learning. The campus features modern classrooms, science laboratories, a library, computer labs, and sports facilities. The school also offers extracurricular activities including clubs, sports teams, and performing arts programs to encourage student participation and foster a well-rounded educational experience.

Pros of Cedar Shoals High School include a dedicated and experienced teaching staff, a diverse student body that promotes cultural exchange and understanding, a wide range of extracurricular opportunities for students to explore their interests, and well-equipped facilities that support learning. However, some cons may include a large student population, which can sometimes result in overcrowded classrooms, and limited resources for certain specialized activities.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare