USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

Timber Trace Elementary School

Palm Beach Gardens, 5200 117th Ct N, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418, USA

Informații generale



din 14 școli, Palm Beach Gardens

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Contacte, Timber Trace Elementary School



(561) 366-6200

Telefoane de contact


PK - 5

Setările instituției, Timber Trace Elementary School

De stat
Pre gradiniță
Școala medie

Rating, Timber Trace Elementary School

Această instituție nu a fost încă evaluată


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Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Timber Trace Elementary School

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Informația generală, Timber Trace Elementary School

Timber Trace Elementary School in Palm Beach Gardens, FL offers a comprehensive education for students in grades K-5. The school provides a diverse range of classes and disciplines including math, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education. The dedicated and experienced teaching staff ensures that each student receives a high-quality education in a nurturing and supportive environment.

The school's state-of-the-art facilities include well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, a music room, an art room, and a cafeteria. The campus also features outdoor sports fields and a playground, providing ample opportunities for physical activities and recreational play.

Some of the pros of attending Timber Trace Elementary School include the school's emphasis on academic excellence, the availability of extracurricular activities such as clubs and sports teams, and the strong sense of community fostered among students, parents, and staff. The school strives to create a safe and inclusive learning environment that promotes positive character development and a love for learning.

As with any educational institution, there may be some cons associated with Timber Trace Elementary School. These could include limited resources and class sizes, which may vary depending on enrollment numbers. However, the school continuously works to address these challenges and provide the best possible education for its students.

USA, Bridgeport Autorizare