USA, Grandview Heights Selectarea instituțiilor

Dupont (alexis I.) High School

Wilmington, 50 Hillside Rd, Wilmington, DE 19807, USA

Informații generale



din 60 școli, Wilmington

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Contacte, Dupont (alexis I.) High School



(302) 651-2626

Telefoane de contact


9 - 12

Setările instituției, Dupont (alexis I.) High School

De stat
High school

Rating, Dupont (alexis I.) High School

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Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Dupont (alexis I.) High School

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Informația generală, Dupont (alexis I.) High School

Dupont (alexis I.) High School is a secondary school located in Wilmington, DE. It offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to students from grades 9-12. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum that includes subjects like mathematics, science, English, social studies, and foreign languages.

The school's facilities include well-equipped classrooms, laboratories for conducting scientific experiments, a library with a vast collection of books and resources, a gymnasium for indoor sports activities, and a cafeteria that offers nutritious meals to students.

Pros of attending Dupont High School include the availability of advanced placement (AP) courses, which help students earn college credits and prepare them for higher education. The school also provides a supportive and inclusive learning environment, where teachers focus on individual student needs and encourage personal growth.

However, a potential con of Dupont High School is the large student population, which may lead to crowded classrooms and less personalized attention. Additionally, due to its popularity, the school can be competitive, resulting in increased pressure on students.

USA, Grandview Heights Autorizare