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Contacte, Delaware Academy Of Public Safety And Security
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Informația generală, Delaware Academy Of Public Safety And Security
The Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security in Wilmington Manor, DE offers specialized education focused on public safety and security. The academy aims to prepare students for careers in law enforcement, emergency medical services, and other related fields. Classes include subjects like criminal justice, emergency medical response, and forensic science. The academy serves students in grades 9-12 and has a dedicated faculty that provides hands-on training in state-of-the-art facilities. Pros of attending the Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security include the opportunity to gain valuable skills and knowledge for a future career in public safety, and the chance to be part of a supportive learning community. Cons may include a limited range of elective classes compared to traditional high schools, and the academy's specialized focus may not be suitable for students interested in pursuing other academic paths. Overall, the Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security provides a unique educational experience for students interested in public safety and security fields.
Recenzii, Delaware Academy Of Public Safety And Security
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