Opšte informacije
Коntakti, Harcum College
opcije, Harcum College
Ekonomija i menadžment
Edukacija i obuka
Društvene nauke
Humanističke nauke
Ugostiteljstvo i kulinarstvo
Profesionalno obrazovanje
fotografije korisnika, Harcum College
Postavljeno 0 slika
Opšte informacije, Harcum College
Awards offered
One but less than two years certificate
Associate's degree
Two but less than 4 years certificate
Carnegie Classification
Associate's Colleges: Mixed Transfer/Vocational & Technical-High TraditionalReligious Affiliation
Not applicableFederal Aid
Eligible students may receive Pell Grants and other federal aid (e.g. Direct Loans).Undergraduate students enrolled who are formally registered with office of disability services
6%Special Learning Opportunities
Distance education opportunities - undergraduate levelWeekend/evening college
Student Services
Remedial servicesAcademic/career counseling service
Employment services for students
Placement services for completers
On-campus day care for students' children
Credit Accepted
Dual creditCredit for life experiences
Advanced placement (AP) credits
Specijalnost 24
Specijalnost, Harcum College
Koledž ima 24 specijalnostо
Animal Health
Business Administration and Management, General
Marketing/Marketing Management, General
Retailing and Retail Operations
Urban Education and Leadership
Child Care Provider/Assistant
Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, Other
Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician
Dental Assisting/Assistant
Dental Hygiene/Hygienist
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General
Histologic Technician
Occupational Therapist Assistant
Physical Therapy Technician/Assistant
Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse
Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant
Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration
General Studies
Sport and Fitness Administration/Management
Human Services, General
Fashion/Apparel Design
Interior Design
Utisci, Harcum College
Ukupno 0 utisaka