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Коntakti, Academy of Career Training
opcije, Academy of Career Training
fotografije korisnika, Academy of Career Training
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Opšte informacije, Academy of Career Training
Awards offered
Upon successful completion of each course, students graduate from the institution with the relevant certification granted. The certification is able to allow employment opportunities as well as other opportunities which may required authentic certification.
Religious Affiliation
They do not place focus on which religion you may be associated with. It is a free-religious school.
Federal Aid
The school numerous financial assistance for student in terms of federal aids, private and public bank loan facilities and other third party funding sources. The school also offers a wide range of scholarship benefits to registered students as well as applicants who have passed the required application steps for possible enrollment.
Special Learning Opportunities
Evening classes are offered for both fulltime and part time students between 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm but only for the Kissimmee location.
Student Services
* The school offers employment assistance to graduate students or assist with finding potential employment sources they can apply to.
* Students are entitled to full campus security.
* There are select provisions made for physically impaired students to access the facilities features efficiently and effectively.
* Emergency services and evacuation systems are implemented for student benefits in the case problems or disasters.
* Though the school does not providehousing on campus, it assist students in location cheap/affordable housing in close proximity to the institution. They may also assist with discount offers on apartments.
Specijalnost 8
Specijalnost, Academy of Career Training
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Utisci, Academy of Career Training
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