USA, Grandview Heights Traži

Tadpoles Childcare

Rush, Brookford Estate Rush ,county Dublin

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Opće informacije, Tadpoles Childcare

About Us

Tadpoles Childcare offers a complete childcare service to preschool and school age children in the Rusk, Lusk and surrounding areas.

Tadpoles Childcare are committed to providing the highest standards of care and early learning within a safe and loving environment.


Tadpoles is a purpose built childcare centre with 5 specially designed rooms to cater for the specific needs of the different age groups. We have a Baby, Wobbler, Toddler and Preschool room providing both full and part time care, we also offer Sessional Montessori and Afterschool care.

Tadpoles has an outdoor, safety surfaced play area, and an on site cook who prepares highly nutritious, home cooked meals.

Philosophy / Learning

One of the main areas that Tadpoles promotes is independence within the child. This is something we promote through both structured and flexible play. Our aim is to meet the individual needs of each child so that each child is assisted in every way to develop to their full potential


At Tadpoles we believe having qualified, experienced and caring staff is the most important element in any childcare setting and we pride ourselves on our staff being highly qualified and up to date with any new childcare regulations.

Open Door Policy for Parents We have an open door policy and encourage parents who are looking for childcare in the area to visit the crèche.

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