USA, Somerville أبحث عن

Belmont Montessori School

Ballina, Botharnasop Ballina Ballina ,county Mayo

معلومات عامة

رعاية الطفل


من 1 مراكز رعاية الطفل , Ballina

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جهات الاتصال, Belmont Montessori School

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المميزات, Belmont Montessori School


التقييم, Belmont Montessori School

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صور المستخدمين, Belmont Montessori School

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معلومات عامة , Belmont Montessori School

Belmont Montessori School is registered with St. Nicholas Montessori Society of Ireland and recognised by the Department of Education and Skills as a school that provides an educational programme similar to a National School. Belmont Montessori school has just begun it's 20th year being in operation in Ballina.

This school is privately owned and managed by the principal who is responsible for ensuring quality and Best Practice. This school complies with the criteria set out by the Irish Montessori Education Board in its guidelines for Accreditation and Registration of Montessori Schools (IMEB). Annual School Inspections for Health and Safety are carried out by the IMEB inspectors. We provide sessional education for children between the ages of 2½ - 6 yrs old. The years before the age of six are the most formative years of life.

Our aim is to provide a happy, homely and non-competitive atmosphere in which children may grow and learn naturally at their own pace.

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